6 Key Tactics used by Managers to keep their Teams Motivated

How you motivate your team sets the tone as to what kind of a manager you are—some managers boss around giving orders and seek help from negative motivating tactics that hardly ever work. Today, since most of the workforce is millennials, managers need to update their motivating tactics based on the workforce’s changing requirements. Today’s workforce wants a healthy work environment; they want open channels for communication so they can interact with higher authority in case there’s a dispute; they want to be recognized, and they want someone who lets them be creative. Keeping this in mind, here 6 updated tactics for all the managers out there trying to keep their teams motivated.
  • Open Channels for Communication
Managers are not customer service agents available at the beck and call; everyone understands that they are busy people. But communicating with your team on a regular basis is an instant motivator. It’s like a morning booster, which also gives the feeling that someone is available to address them in case there’s a major change or transition is being implemented.
  • Create a Healthy Work Environment
No one can be productive in an environment where everyone is against each other or don’t get along. Make sure to engage your team in regular team-building activities, which are not boring. Give them a treasure hunt activity or some Friday fun time to bond with each other over a cup of tea/coffee and snacks.
  • Celebrate Milestones, be it Big or Small
Getting recognition has become one of the biggest motivators of all time. Nothing works like a good old pat on the back, be it for achieving quarterly goals, a big-fat promotion, or even a small credit from the client.
  • Empower Learning and Creativity
Millennials today, don’t like to be held back. They have so many ideas and solutions that they think might help. If you suppress them, indeed, it’s the death of innovation and creativity. So, allow your team members to put their ideas forward, even if they are not relevant or if you think they are not worth it. Listen to them, nurture them to learn and be creative.
  • Provide Meaningful Feedback
Feedback, be it positive or negative, should always be welcome. However, when it’s linked to concrete examples, it becomes productive. For instance, if you say to a team member “great job on closing the deal,” it is nice feedback, but “great job on closing the deal, the way you persuaded the client into making the purchase worked wonders,” pinpoints exactly how their contributions benefited the company.
  • Experiment and Learn
There’s no magical formula that fits all. So, keep on learning and experimenting. The best way to learn about new tactics is by pursuing business management certified professional programs. These business management certified professional programs expose you to new and updated approaches that you can implement to keep your employees motivated. One such online course you can pursue is the online general management course by IIM Raipur. The online general management course by IIM Raipur can help you boost your leadership skills by exposing you to emerging trends and tactics to motivate your team. Apply these approaches and keep your employees happy, engaged, and energized!

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