Amid Covid-19, Digital Marketing has become the Most Sought After - Here’s Why

  The 2019 outbreak of novel Coronavirus has led to unprecedented economic downturns, which is likely to reinvigorate the way businesses operate. However, amid this disruption, one industry that has witnessed a boom is digital marketing. Digital Marketing Courses Digital marketing has emerged as a literal knight and shining armour for companies and brands striving to connect with their audience in the middle of the pandemic.   You want proof? Here are some stats for you:-  
  • The global e-Commerce industry has jumped to a staggering $26.7 Trillion, fuelled by yours truly, Covid-19.
  • The retail industry alone has witnessed an increase in site visitors from 16.07 billion global visits in January 2020 to a whopping 22 billion in June 2020. The reason? Covid-19 has forced millions of people to stay at home in order to maintain social distancing and stop the progression of the virus so people prefer searching for information/products/services online.
  • Talking about India, the number of active monthly internet users has witnessed a growth of 24%.
  Also Read:  10 Best Digital Marketing Courses to Advance Your Career   In fact, the New York Times has quoted that “the virus has changed the way we internet”. Digital Marketing Courses Online   Makes you want to get in on it, right? With the pandemic still going on, a digital marketing online certification course is your ideal choice. These online courses can help you upskill and gain the knowledge you need to enter this domain. Until you decide to enrol in one, let’s get you acquainted with the reasons why digital marketing has become the most sought-after career option during the pandemic.

Traditional Marketing has Taken a Toll

  Billboards, door-to-door marketing, word of mouth publicity - since Covid-19, these advertising strategies have gone to dust. Now people are restraining themselves from going out, so brands have no other choice than to reach them through the only means available - their mobile phone, which simply means digital marketing.    Considering the boom of the internet and dependency on online channels to reach the target audience, digital marketing has grown into one of the most sought-after careers in today’s technology-powered world. This is why the demand for well-trained and skilled digital marketing specialists is on the rise. In fact, experts are suggesting that this period is the perfect window for professionals striving to build a thriving career in this domain.  

Digital has Become the New Game

  Regardless of the size or type, every business globally prefers digital marketing over any and every strategy concerned with marketing or advertising. Even startups and small companies are launching their businesses on e-platforms rather than brick-and-mortar stores.    Also Read: Advanced Certificate Program In Digital Marketing   This digital platform has made the process of starting, running, and expanding the business so feasible that in the USA alone, the number of business startups grew from 3.5 million in 2019 to 4.4 million in 2020, which accounts for a 24% increase. A similar trend was witnessed in Chile, Turkey, the UK, and other countries.   These stats clearly indicate that the demand for digital marketing specialists will also surge, considering the transition to the digital realm.  

Digital Sales Are Becoming More Active

  • As per a report published by Deloitte, the growth in digital sales accounted for 18% in the Q1 of 2020 compared to Q1 of 2019.
  • Following the same trend, the web traffic growth was established at 13% in Q1 2020 compared to Q1 2019.
  What are the reasons behind these increasing sales? Well, due to preventing the spread of Covid-19, people are stuck inside their homes and are not on the move. This is why there’s a significant surge in online traffic and purchases.  If you strive to learn how to leverage these increasing sales and divert some of it to your organisation, consider enrolling for an accredited digital marketing online certification course. One such online certification course you can rely on is the XLRI digital marketing course. Offered on the Talentedge platform, this online digital marketing course aims to help aspiring and established professionals explore the latest market trends and develop strategies that fit into today’s new normal.  

More and More Modern Consumers are Going Digital

  Modern consumers, especially the millennials and GenZ, are increasingly moving towards a digital experience when researching and making buying decisions. Search engines like Google remain their most popular channel for consumer research.   Also Read: Is Digital Marketing The New Big Thing?   And while these consumers are at the beginning stages of their buying journey, they leverage search engines to obtain more information about the product or service they are interested in. For brands, this means an opportunity to stay visible during these digital searches so they can engage with their potential customers and influence their purchasing decisions.   To do that effectively, brands need digital marketing experts on board. So if you have the requisite skillset and knowledge, a career in this domain is the ideal choice. By exposing you to every facet of digital marketing and contemporary strategies, the XLRI digital marketing course can help you achieve your career goals.  

It is Easy to Track, Monitor and Analyse Your Digital Campaigns

  Another reason why brands are transitioning towards digital marketing and need qualified experts is that while traditional marketing is as effective, it’s impossible to track and monitor campaigns. How would you keep count of the number of people who saw your brand’s billboard? There’s simply no easy way.    This is where digital marketing analytics comes in handy. It not only allows brands to track and monitor their digital campaigns but also enables them to analyse their content & strategies, providing a more interactive experience through digital marketing channels.  

It’s Lucrative, Rewarding, and High in Demand 

  So the question should be - why not digital marketing. If you have a knack for advertising and the creativity to market, a career in digital marketing can take you to great heights.    So what are you waiting for? Scour the Talentedge website for digital marketing online certification courses and enrol in one TODAY! If you want to go with the expert recommendations, sign up for the XLRI digital marketing course. Offered in collaboration with Talentedge, this online digital marketing course offers LIVE & synchronous learning, so you won’t have to attend pre-recorded lectures anymore! The best part? You’ll be learning LIVE from the eminent XLRI faculty. That’s right; the XLRI faculty impart all the lessons.    What’s stopping you now? Enrol TODAY and make your way to a lucrative and enriching career.   More Information: MBA Degree Program from AIU Strategic Human Resources Leadership Professional Certificate Program In Marketing And Sales Management

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We offer courses jointly with world-leading institutes and corporates. Talentedge partners with top Indian & International institutes including IIMs , XLRI, MICA, and also with renowned corporates like Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and others.

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