BIG DATA DEMYSTIFIED –A Real Life Case Study where Data Science shed incredible insights!

Data Science has been hailed as the hottest career in the new decade. But what exactly do data scientists do? Do they live up to the hype? Here is a real-life example of  how data science analyzed an important trait of Computer Students across the world   We’ve heard the phrase, we know what the gurus say and we know that it is the most sought after skill and specialized education of the 21st-century computing world. But what is Big Data in particular? Can Data Scientists really pull rabbits out of the proverbial hats and drive success in organizations? The explosion of online data, in an increasingly interconnected world. From behavioural patterns analysis to natural language processing, the explosion of data in today’s world has led to Just how much data is out there? Here’s a look at some examples as per the now-famous “Data Never Sleeps” Infographic originally posted by DOMO.   As of 2014, in every minute:
  • Youtube Users share 72 hours of video
  • Google receives over 4 million search queries
  • Tinder Users swipe more than four hundred and ten thousand times
  • Skype Users connect for 23, 300 hours
  • Whatsapp users share more than three hundred and forty thousand photos
  • Apple user download forty-eight thousand apps
  • Facebook users share two million and four hundred and sixty thousand pieces of content
With increasing popularity, different sectors have gained tremendously by implementing data science projects and programs for their needs. Here’s a look at a real-life case study where data science shed: ai_2 Analysing SOCIAL NETWORKING HABITS OF STUDENTS – A CASE STUDY The Objective The most popular social networking site in the world also has the most number of users in the high school and college student age bracket. The objective of the analysis was to investigate the patterns of usage of the students as well as the preferred Facebook tools for students in order of usage, and whether academics could be integrated into the student’s Facebook experience. This study was facilitated by global academic publishing giant Elsevier.   The Analysis Volunteer undergraduate students studying Computer Science across different universities and institutions were enlisted for the research. The gender ratio of the students was 71% male and 29% female. The data was collected by sending the volunteers an online survey questionnaire by the researchers. The survey consisted of two sections as follows:
  1. Demographic Data and daily Facebook spend data.
  2. Preferred Facebook tools as per the usage habits of students.
  Methodology The data was collected using the above-mentioned scale. The researchers then used the R statistical software to accurately clean, structure and analyze the data. This was done using several versions of R Studio Packages.  The statistical computations using R included percentages, frequency and mean computational analysis techniques.   Results
  • Facebook Usage Locations
A very brief summary of research analysis showed that 29% of the users used Facebook at home, while 22% used it on their mobile, followed by 17% at their University labs, etc.
  • Facebook Usage Durations
The research also shed light on the duration of an average Facebook session among students. The majority, at 32%, spent more than 4 hours every day, followed by 28% using Facebook for around 2 hours, and 16% using it for around 3 hours every day and finally 24% using it for around 1 hour
  • Preferred Facebook Tools
The research showed that the most popular Facebook tool used by the study groups was Facebook Messenger with a mean of 3.73, with the same value as Facebook Chat at 3.73, followed by Friends Suggestions at 3.70, Links at 3.58, News at 3.52 and Photos at 3.24 on the mean of 4. These were just some of the insights that the research provided the educators, who are now on the way to integrating current lessons and education in the online social experience of their students. Just one of the many examples where data science helped make important and significant decisions in progress. Talentedge, India’s leading online education platform, in partnership with XLRI, India’s oldest and most respected management institution, has launched one of the best online course for data science for all aspiring professionals and managers who want to learn big data wave and gain insights on how to use data science to drive their teams and projects toward organizational goals effectively. Initially, as we entered the era of big data, we were faced with the challenge of data storage. Once that was taken care of, the focus shifted to processing this data. This is where data science steps in.   What is data science?  Data science is an amalgamation of data analytics, software engineering, data engineering, machine learning, analysis, business analytics and more. It includes Big Data which comprises retrieval, collection, ingestion, and transformation of large amounts of data. So what does data science do? Data science is responsible for giving form to big data, analyzing patterns and advising decision-makers to bring in the changes that effectively add to business growth.    Why do we need data science?
  • Traditionally, data was mostly structured and small in size. Today, most of the data is unstructured or semi-structured. By 2020, it is estimated that more than 80% of data will be unstructured. Different sources like financial logs, text files, multimedia forms, sensors, and instruments generate this data. Simple business intelligence tools are not capable of processing this huge volume. This is why more complex and advanced analytical tools and algorithms are needed for processing, analyzing and drawing meaningful insights out of it. Only data science can help achieve this.
  • A business needs to know the precise requirements of its customers. Data science can generate this information from existing data like the customer’s past browsing history, purchase history, age, and income. It trains models more effectively and helps recommend products for customers with more precision.
  • Data science can be used in predictive analytics. If we take the example of weather forecasting. Models can be built from data collected from ships, aircraft, radars, satellites. These models will not only forecast the weather but also help in predicting the occurrence of any natural calamities. It will help to take appropriate measures beforehand and save precious lives. A data scientist does the exploratory analysis to discover insights from data and uses various advanced machine learning algorithms to identify the occurrence of a particular event in the future. A data scientist looks at data from many angles.
  In a world of increasing dependence on data and its processing, it has become essential for everyone to have a basic understanding of data science. Whether it is for one’s career or one’s business/organization data science is here to stay.   Data Science courses A data science course comprises several modules like Python, R, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Machine Learning Algorithms, etc. The best data science courses in India are offered by IIT (Delhi), IIT (Kharagpur), IIM (Bangalore), IIT (Bangalore), etc. It is advisable to brush up basic mathematics as it would be a big help during the course. For working professionals, online data science courses are advised. The best online courses are provided by XLRI Jamshedpur, SPJIMR, Harvard, MIT, and Microsoft. Other options are courses offered by Amity University (Noida), Institute of Management Technology Online, Edwiser, Brainstation.   The Future….. Data science is the answer to artificial intelligence which is the future. Getting to know the basics of data science would be a good option.  

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