By Rajendra Digari

Management 101: The Marriage of Strategy and Leadership

Many a book has stressed on the importance of leadership

  • Sep 04, 2023
By Rajendra Digari

What Effective Leadership Can Do To Your Organization?

Leadership can be defined as the ability of an individual to guide and inspire an individual or a group of individuals

  • Sep 04, 2023
By Rajendra Digari

Modern Workplaces Need Leaders Not Bosses

Evolving at neck-breaking speed, with multiple teams, new age business models, complex issues, a modern workplace comes equipped with new-age digital tools that connect and support employees within and outside the physical boundaries of the office

  • Sep 04, 2023
By Rajendra Digari

Leaders are Made not Born

Are leaders born or made? This is not a new discussion; it is an old debate that was never settled

  • Sep 04, 2023

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