Everything you need to know about building a career in Sports Management

The field of sports management is highly competitive and the coveted jobs are far and few in between. This does not mean that one must stop dreaming about a career in sports management. Even though the field is highly competitive, having the right knowledge can help you decide whether or not to pursue it as a career option and if you should what must you expect or do in order to land the dream role. Here’s a quick lowdown on all you need to make up your mind:   What is sports management? Sports management is the business aspect of a sport franchise or sport league. All management functions that are applicable to businesses in general are applicable to sports management albeit with a sports focus. This means a sports manager could deal with marketing, finance, revenue generation, operations, facilities management, team or players management, public relations, law or any other aspect of the sports business. Sports managers who can multitask and handle a variety of these roles or at least have sufficient knowledge of each in order to effectively coordinate between the different business functions are preferred choices for management executives.   What’s a typical day of a sports manager like? Even though sports management careers are lucrative and interesting from the outside, the inside picture speaks a different story. Even though well paid, sports managers have hectic schedules to say the least. They are continuously multitasking, negotiating and closing business deals. A sports coach would be seen out on the field training the players and sorting out their individual weak points. Not a mean task at all. They have to be careful in their choice of words, with players if they are coaches and with clients if they are taking care of the business aspect, even when they might be frustrated. A slight slip can cause a scandal and make them lose the coveted job.   Where do sports management professionals work? Apart from sports franchises and sports leagues, there are various kinds of companies which hire sports management professionals. Sports leagues which hire such professionals could be amateur, collegiate or professional. Other places where they get hired include sports channels, sportswear or sports-gear brands, sales and advertising organizations, marketing and public relations companies and other sport related businesses.   Do they need to be professionally qualified? Yes. Most sports franchises and sport related businesses look for professionally trained people. The competition in sports industry is cut-throat and the executives do not wish to leave anything to chance. Hence, the cream from the among the best professionals get hired. Getting a professional sports management degree will separate you from those who don’t have one. It shines on your resume and brings you across as a committed professional who is passionate about the business of sports. There are several offline and online sports management degree or certificate programs for those interested in this field.   What kind of course must one pursue? This depends on the interest or type of job one is looking out for. Doing a certificate course in sports management might often be sufficient for a job at a local health club. However, for those looking for jobs in marketing, sales, advertising, public relations or finance, it would be necessary to at least have a bachelor’s degree in sports management. For those aiming at the higher echelons of sports management jobs, completing a master’s degree in sports management would be necessary.   What are the online options for sports management degrees? A number of sports management degree options are available online today. Many of the top universities and colleges are offering sports management certificates, and bachelor’s and master’s degree programs online. A large part of these degree programs can be completed online. Some parts of the course could be completed either through face-to-face or regular classes and internship programs.   What do sports management professionals earn? Sports management professionals in India can make anywhere between INR 3,50,000 to INR 10,00,000 annually to begin with. The higher end of the salary spectrum is usually earned by those with a master’s degree in sports management and is offered by only the best in the industry. However, sports management may not necessarily be an India specific career. One can obtain a degree from a foreign university and work in any of the major or minor leagues, college athletics departments, talent agencies and public relations firms in countries like USA, Australia and UK which offer good pay packages to sports management professionals.   What are the growth prospects? Growth in the sports management career depends on one’s individual talent and hard work. If you have or you develop great people skills, communication skills, team building skills, organizational and decision making skills etc. then the growth prospects abound. If you joined while you simply had a certificate or a bachelor’s degree, then doing a master’s course or any other training program that enhances your skill set will help you rise higher. At no point in the career though one can/should think that they will earn anywhere near the athletes.   Where do I look for a job? Job portals and websites are the first place one must look for any kind of jobs in the 21st century. Naukri, Monster, Indeed, Careerbuilder and other such websites should be the first go to places. One may also find out the talent agencies, PR firms or other companies’ websites and look in their careers or jobs section. Most companies regularly update their websites for any job positions. Another way to find a job is to follow the social media channels of the companies or organizations where you would like to work. Getting in touch with the concerned person through social media, LinkedIn or even ordinary email can get you in the consideration set of the employers.   With the information above, some more keen research, good planning and plenty of intent and passion, getting a coveted sports management role may not be so difficult after all.    

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