How to Communicate Better at Workplace?

 Did you know that 86% of company executives, employees and educators agree that ineffective communications is a big reason for failures in workplaces? And, you can’t even perhaps imagine the cost of communication failures to the organizations! In a survey of 400 companies with 10,000 employees, it was found that inadequate communication to and between employees causes an average loss of $62.4 million per year per company! Is any wonder that communication is considered the most important skill at a workplace and also forms an integral part of all leadership courses? For all of us who talk all the time, it is difficult to believe that communication is something we all need to work on, especially in formal settings like the workplace. We get our ideas across to others in the organization by communicating with them. Communication can be broadly categorized into written and verbal. In this article, we will discuss some important tips to help you communicate better. Listen first The first rule of effective communication is to listen to others. It is only when you listen that you can analyze and process the meaning of what is being communicated to the other person. Interrupting or making haste can result in incomplete information relay which can lead to undesirable results for an organization. For example, in case of your assignment, of you just pay heed to first three points and forget the instruction contained in the last one, it will lead to a reduction in total marks. Similarly lost communication or miscommunication can cost dearly. Identify Your Strength One type of communication does not work for all. Some people in an organization are good at speaking and making presentations whereas there are others who can create impeccable reports. There will be some others who give concise and clear instructions in writing through emails as opposed to some who call meetings and inform of the plans and agendas face to face. Similarly, you will also be more effective in a particular mode of communication. Now it is important that you identify which mode of communication you find most effective in your case. Pay Attention to Body Language We all tend to ignore the subtle body language when it comes to communication skills. Your body language tells more about you than the actual words. It helps in gauging the intent and confidence level of a person. For example, if you fidget while talking, then it is a sign of underconfidence. If you cross your arms, then it indicates a defensive stance. Therefore it is very important that you work on positive body language. Give and Take Constructive Criticism We always don’t get a perfect result or are successful in every attempt. Similarly at workplace too, there are goof-ups. No matter how angry or frustrated you are, make sure that criticism is toned down and is constructive. For example, “It did not work but maybe can try to do it like this next time” instead of “I had told you it would not work but you went ahead anyway”. Constructive criticism gets the point across without humiliating the other person. It also helps you in maintaining cordial relationships in the workplace. Talk it Out Just like those glossy magazines advice couples to talk it out, well same holds true for workplaces too. As a boss, you should have an open channel of communication where you tell your subordinates and co-workers about your plans and in turn hear them out. In case of arguments, kill the grudges by communicating. In the same way, communicating clearly with your boss can avoid a number of misunderstandings and potential pitfalls. Improve Yourself If you feel that you are lagging behind in certain areas of communication, be it delivery, technical aspects or grammar, never shy away from taking help. There are many useful courses that can help you in working on your communication skills. Keep abreast of the latest technologies that help you communicate better and keep improving as there is no end to how good you can become in communication. Keep an Open Door Policy If you are in the top line of hierarchy, there is a high probability that your juniors think at least twice before approaching you. The fear of your position and authority prevents them from communicating with you with an open mind. As a supervisor or the top boss, you need to embrace an ‘open door’ policy. It doesn’t mean that you have to keep the doors of your cabin open literally! An ‘open door’ policy gives a message to employees that they have the liberty to bring anything to your attention. Communication is a key to successful organization and the foundation stone of teamwork. Your communication skills play an important role in landing that first job to shaping your career thereafter. Therefore, along with your technical expertise make sure that you are bettering your communication skills by self-learning techniques and external assistance like the leadership courses.

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