How to use email personalization to improve conversion rates?

Email marketing continues to be widely used by businesses/ brands as an important strategy for lead conversion despite the emergence of other platforms like social media, mobile marketing and so on. This needs to be attributed to the fact that email still has most usage on computers and mobile devices. Customers tend to trust email more and find it a better way to interact with brands. Emails are here to stay, and email marketing will remain a powerful tool to reach target audiences and improve lead conversions.   Using email marketing to leverage customers to buy has just one major hurdle- standing out of the crowd of hundreds of promotional emails from various brands and not going straight to the spam folder. To avoid overcome this hurdle and be successful in conversion rates, you must chalk out an on-point email marketing strategy. There are certified digital marketing courses from top universities and institutions to get a deep understanding of email marketing and how to chalk out the digital marketing strategy itself effectively. Digital Marketing Online Course   There are several ways by which you can make your email marketing impactful and one of the important ways is meaningful personalisation of email promotion content. Data-driven personalisation and content, that is responsible and is meaningful to the customers can dramatically improve click-throughs and conversion rates.  

Make use of our simple, yet sophisticated ways to personalize your email promotion effectively.

  Data-driven personalisation: Your email personalisation will be impactful if you collect sufficient, accurate and relevant data. Beyond the names of target audiences, you must try to collect details about age, profession, gender, needs, purchase history and browsing data (both from your website), location, industry, etc. This is possible by creating necessary fields in your opt-in and pop-up forms instead of just name and email id. This way emails will not be generic or general but personal and clickable. For instance, sending promotional emails about your new range of garden equipment to someone who is not interested in or has never purchased garden equipment will only make that customer get wary of your brand for spamming his inbox. You could have avoided this by gathering the required data before sending emails.   Segmentation of target audience: By collecting the above data and the reason for visiting your website, you will get insights and inputs to segment your target audience (potential and existing customers). Through segmentation, you will be able to create incredibly targeted emails. If you know all your users are visiting your website for different reasons, then why would you send the same, generic emails to them? For instance, if you are providing E-designing service, finding out if your customer is a student or working professional or a business that needs the services and what kind of designing they generally require, you can send them promotional messages that are relevant to them and therefore, clickable.   Accurate Customer Personas: Customer personas help you go further from customer segmentation and know your customers’ human side that impacts their purchase decisions. Creating customer personas provides you with an in-depth understanding of different segments of customers, their traits, their needs, their values, what ticks them off, how they arrive at buying decisions, etc. Using customer personas to draft email marketing strategy, you can create a highly targeted experience for target audiences.   Behavioural trigger emails: Based on how the customer has engaged with the brand, you can send trigger mails. Trigger emails are as personalized and customized as possible and have high click rates and conversion rates since you are targeting warm leads. These can be automated as well. For instance, if your customer has abandoned a cart, your trigger mail could remind them about it or offer discounts for those items. Trigger emails could be based on items on the wish list or items based on preferences of that customer. Most big e-commerce brands like Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra do this. If your customer has been inactive for a while, you could send an email to get them engaged with your business again. Most social networking platforms like Facebook do this.   Responsive email design: The overall design of your email must be engaging, relevant, easy to understand and look appealing. If not, customers will just click out of the email.   Personalizing the Brand itself: Another way to personalized email marketing is through personalizing the brand itself. The brand could ask customers to provide feedback about their experience, about the product and so on. This increase customer engagement with the brand and helps build positive brand image and brand loyalty.   Tagging the right landing pages: To make your email personalisation effective, your Call-to-Action on emails must lead to the correct landing pages. Both email and landing pages must be consistent in language and consistent for better success and conversion.   Through digital marketing certification, you can learn not only about email marketing and personalisation but on how to strategise your digital marketing and improving the ROI on it.     More Information: A Step-by-Step Guide to Digital Marketing How to Effectively Use Digital Marketing Tools? Digital Marketing Essentials of a Successful Strategy Top 8 Marketing Strategies you can Learn from Digital Marketing Courses

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