Pros & Cons of Being a Cyber Warrior

  Cyber warrior essentially refers to a person who engages in cyber warfare either to attack information systems or defend them according to the roles they play. A cyber warrior is an ethical hacker whose prime responsibility is to win the cyber security battle from cyber criminals. So, they basically execute IT wars through hacking or similar strategies, but for the good of the organization or nation. Such kind of cyber wars is typically waged for strategic or military purposes. Government, as well as private organizations, are increasingly facing cyber attacks. So, they are on the lookout for efficient cyber warriors who can fight back. If you are thinking of becoming one and confused about the pros and cons of this profession, go through the following points that will make things clear. Pros of Being a Cyber Warrior
  • Emerging Career Field – When a cyber security professional works to defend against malicious attackers, the organization gets essential security that protects important information. Thus, cyber warriors are in great demand. In fact, according to a survey, the demand for cyber security experts has surpassed their supply by three times in the past 18 months. You can have a booming career if you are a certified cyber warrior. If you have already been working as an amateur ethical hacker, a formal certification in this field can land you high profile positions in both governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Competitive Compensation: Apart from tapping in the fast-growing field, you should also be happy about the high salary that companies offer to cyber warriors. Since it is related to online security, the employer wants to ensure that cyber warrior protects the systems against any looming cyber threats and also fights effectively against hackers trying to steal protected information. While cyber warriors are in high demand, there isn’t enough supply. So, there is an increasing demand in the market and higher salaries offered to attract the field experts. You can land the job at your terms and conditions.
  • Bright Future: With the growing use of the internet, everything is getting connected to the digital world. There is a simultaneous growth of online threats, thus requiring more cyber security With e-commerce, crypto-currency and similar IT-related sector growth, the future career prospects are very bright for cyber warriors.
  • Flexible Learning: If you want to earn more certifications, you don’t need to take a career break. There are reputed online degrees and certifications that you can earn from anywhere and move ahead with your career as a certified cyber warrior. While you continue to earn your income, you can also upgrade your skills for career advancement at the same time.
  • Varied Skill Sets Pay Off More: Unlike the common myth that cyber warriors need only technical expertise, the non-technical skills can be equally valuable. So, a cyber warrior who possesses technical skills such as data mining, statistical analysis, risk management and physical security and non-technical skills such as business acumen, people skills and critical thinking can add a good score on your resume.
Cons of a Cyber Warrior Career
  • Unscheduled Working Hours: Digital world operates 24/7. The threats can happen 24/7. So, you are also likely to be on call 24/7 the whole year round. Thus, the job can be challenging in terms of work-life balance. This would be especially challenging if you are working as a sole cyber security professional on the organization. So, don’t be surprised or rather be prepared to answer work-related calls on vacations!
  • Steep Learning Curve: Since there are new types of cyber threats developing every day, cyber warriors have to stay informed about the latest developments in their field. They are expected to attain newer certifications repeatedly and the learning process is actually never-ending. Good in a way, but personally, it might get demanding to always keep pace with new trends, developments and certifications.
  • Getting Established Takes Time: Reputable clients will never hand over cyber security jobs to newcomers practising So, early on in the career, you might take time to establish yourself first as a part of a popular team, and later as an individual expert in cyber warrior ship. On your part, you must ensure to promote yourself and disclose your achievements on a regular basis so that you get faster recognition.
  • Might Have to do Administrative Work Too: Since many of the employers are not technically informed about cyber security or not too cyber-oriented, they might as well hand over normal IT administrative tasks to cyber warriors when they are not busy. Sometimes, even the standard cyber security tasks feel mundane when you perform it every day. So, the interesting and exciting tags such as a cyber warrior may get washed out if you do not refuse these administrative responsibilities.
  After you have carefully thought out these pros and cons, you can take an informed decision whether or not you want to build a career as a professional cyber warrior.  

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