The Modern Marketer: Part Artist, Part Scientist

The digital arena is a new market altogether and marketers are looking at different ways to explore the possibilities of attracting the customers and build a potential network. Digital marketing is the new hero that captured the hearts of marketers and with rapid evolvement of this channel of marketing, the content is revolutionized and customer segment is transformed. The modern marketer is smart and should be able to adapt to the ever-changing ways of stimulating the growth of the brand. The recall value has to be analyzed and an apt way of reaching the consumers needs to be adopted. Increase in the number of digital marketers often poses a question of where do they earn from. A modern marketer needs to be multifaceted and focus on the creative aspect along with the quantitative analytical side. They need to have skills, imagination and creativity to curate strong and impactful campaigns and strategies and develop an analytical side to measure the effectiveness of the digital marketing activities. With these processes moving hand in hand, a modern marketer portrays the role of an artist and a scientist. Digital Marketing Online Course

List of The Modern Marketer : Part Artist, Part Scientist

Written Content

Modern marketers analyze from various viewpoints. Inbound marketing has become their go-to strategy and puts a premium on writing skill. With various forms of writing emerging, the marketers need to adapt the style which is the most appropriate for their style of communication and would appeal the consumers.  

Social Media

With new platforms emerging and new updates being developed for existing social media platforms, marketers place a lot of emphasis on social media marketing or digital marketing. This is the way they connect with the customers digitally and maintain relationships. The probability and possibility of meeting a customer face-to-face have reduced due to the availability of social mediums that make the access easier and hence, a modern marketer considers digital customer relationships as the most crucial ones.  

Email Marketing

We often see our mailbox full of reading material such as a newsletter, a promotional campaign or something in news etc. These and many are the ways of email marketing and for modern marketers, connecting with the customers in this manner offers a personal touchpoint. The quintessential things for the marketers remain to be the design aspect and best practices that are followed for this particular type of marketing. With new creative and buzzing designs and content, they are able to impact the thinking molecules.  

Visual Assets

Our social media feed in full of content in the form of videos, whether short or long and they play an important role in customer engagement. They grab consumer’ attention and are a valuable marketing resource.

Also Read: Kick-Start Your Career With The Best Digital Marketing Course  

Part Scientist



Modern marketers work themselves or have fewer resources to help with the tasks at hand; therefore they need to an expert in budgeting and operations and make sure the protocols and sideline are adhered to. They need to take the onus of the activities and make sure the budget does not cross the limitation barrier.  

Performance Tracking

Modern marketer should track all the marketing activities and campaigns as marketing can no longer continue to be the cost centre.  The marketer needs to be assured of how well they are performing and inject remedies wherever necessary. Marketing is no longer the essence and hence, keeping a track of the activities have become an integral part of their lives.  


With big data gaining huge importance, marketers need to be an expert with data handling. They should be able to identify the right kind of information that can be extracted from the given pool of data and how it can be leveraged to create impactful campaigns and alter the existing marketing efforts. They need to analyze the bunch of information at a glance and be data experts to have an edge over the others.  

Campaign Performance

One of the essential skills is the knowledge of tools available to measure campaign effectiveness. Using tools like Salesforce is of vital importance for marketers to understand a campaign. They should know the usage of such tools and use them whenever necessary. A clear view of a modern marketer being a part artist and a part scientist is visible through various strategies that are adopted and how well they are curated. The effectiveness and the overall impact on the consumer base is the ultimate goal of a marketing strategy offline or a digital marketing strategy and modern marketers adopt a multi-skill approach to formulating one. With a lot of creativity and hard work, modern marketers need to create a strong base for the businesses and stick to the budget allocations. By developing both the artistic and scientific side, marketers are able to quickly adapt and change according to the marketing landscape.     More Information: Is Digital Marketing a good Career in India? Why to Choose a Career in Digital Marketing? Growth & Opportunities for Digital Marketing Professionals in 2022 IIM KASHIPUR Executive Development Programme In Strategic Marketing Management

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