Trends to look out for in IT in 2022

Predicting the future is as uncertain as the future itself. However, we never cease to locate new and emerging trends. This is irrespective of whether you are a tech junkie or an average person with little tech knowledge. Everyone loves to know what new technology has to offer them in the future. With several experiments and innovations always underway, technology keeps breaking new ground every day. With AI, machine learning and data analytics becoming big in 2017, a number of trends in 2022 derive from these and more technology advancements.  
  1. AI as part of your daily lives: Artificial intelligence has made its presence known in a big way. 2022 will see more AI in our regular daily lives. With AI finding incorporation in more things of daily use, such as your smart refrigerator, everyday life as we live it now will change. The trend of AI proliferating devices and apps will increase in 2022. AI is pegged to become a mainstay in different kinds of technology by the end of 2022.
  2. One digital center: Over the years technology has taken over our life in most of its aspects. However, this has meant a number of apps on a number of devices that we use in our daily life. Customers now want to be able to operate from a single digital center, to have access and control for all the apps from a single location or device. 2022 might be looking at something new in this direction after the introduction of smart refrigerator and smart speakers in the previous year.
  3. Get ready for 5G: Technology sure moves at a very fast pace, while customers are still enjoying the speeds they get through 4G internet, 5G may be in the offing in several parts of the world in 2022. With speeds 10 times faster than 4G, 5G internet will change the way technology functions. In countries like India, bringing in 5G internet would require some major infrastructure overhaul. When it comes though, it will change the way consumers use internet or the marketers think of their digital marketing campaigns until now. Even if 5G is not launched in 2022, this year will be one of massive preparation for its launch.
  4. Increase in amount of data: There has never been more data available at the fingertips of businessmen and marketers than now. 2022 will see a rise in the amount of data marketers collect as the same will then be used to generate insights and then products as per customer needs. The datasets have begun to be commoditized with smart speakers making their way to people’s living rooms. People talking to their smart speakers are providing data to the company in the backend. Data collection will have greater priority in 2022.
  5. Automation of white collar jobs: Machines are taking over man and how. If you are in a managerial or administrative job, think of enhancing your skill sets because machines are likely to shake up several managers in their seats in 2022. Getting machine to perform these jobs would mean having fewer individuals to handle in future. Moreover, machines can perform these jobs if provided a fair amount of data input. This does not mean that machines will wipe out humans or that we are looking at a technology-apocalypse. Even so, 2022 will see robots making inroads in this segment.
  6. Conversations to become seamless: Voice search has been around for many years but it was not so reliable. With Microsoft’s voice recognition software getting a meagre 5.1% error rate in a test for accuracy, it is now better than human translators or transcribers. With chatbots occupying space in corporate strategy discussions and becoming part of strategic implementation, chatbots and robotic speech are likely to become more prominent in 2022. Devices will be more likely to converse both ways without any major glitches.
  7. Changing user interfaces: User interfaces will undergo overhauls during 2022. With AI and chatbots ruling the scenario, even user interfaces will see a difference. Users will be able to converse more seamlessly with chatbots on company websites. Several of the devices and apps we use will see a change. With smart speakers and enhanced voice recognition and voice search options, it is hardly necessary to look at the device interface in order to complete a task. More people are working on mobile devices and the use of desktop devices is diminishing. Though this is more true on a personal level, even at the professional front smart mobile devices are gaining ground. New UI would see better visuals and graphics as well as better audio clues and consumers are likely to adapt to these changes at a rapid speed as long as their core needs are met.
  This new year will bring a lot of change on the technology front and technology as we know it, is all set to change our lives. From the perspective of business management this will be great year but also an excruciating one as incorporating any change in an organization is no mean feat.  

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