What do you mean by virtual learning?

Virtual Learning, better known as Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is an educational platform based on digital technology. It is web-based platform that makes its possible for students to study online in a group with other students, engage with each other and get a performance assessment. Currently, many educational institutions carry out online certification courses through a virtual learning environment. Virtual learning can be computer based and taught through videos and CD ROMs, or it can be internet based where an online portal can be the carrier of the course. It can also be through a remote online teaching format where instruction is provided by the teacher live but from a far-off location using the internet. Sometimes, blended learning can also happen where the resources of teaching are online with a teacher present physically with the students to facilitate the teaching process. As internet becomes smarter, technology has enabled humans to connect with each other and collaborate for various activities without actually meeting in person. Virtual learning also allows students to study from a remote location without having to meet the teachers and fellow students in person. They can attend a lecture, participate in the class discussion, take tests and pass with certification through virtual learning. This kind of learning format is becoming increasingly popular due to the accessibility it offers. In addition to being highly accessible, it is also quite affordable compared to regular classroom teaching. It allows a student to take up courses from the best universities in the world without having to travel there. For the institutes also, there is no physical maintenance costs or infrastructure costs that come up buildings, furniture, hardware etc. Almost all major educational institutions in the world provide virtual learning options these days. There are all kinds of courses available online. Students also want to enhance their career prospects and hence they search for their preferred courses and study for them. It also gives them access to quality teachers from across the world irrespective of which part of the world they live in. We can say that virtual learning allows a larger group of people to have access to learning opportunities. With this technology, education is no more bound by physical constraints. There is no more a distinction of school or college work and home work. Education has become seamless. This makes the education process continuous unlike the traditional method of schooling. Virtual learning has a global reach. There is no concept of countries in the online world. It is possible for an Indian student to take up a certificate course from Stanford university without ever going to the Stanford campus and without ever leaving India. The global reach is also manifested in the access to resources that it provides. In the past, when a student had to research on a topic he would be learning at school, he had to go to the local library and go through many books. There was a constraint in that research – that of the availability of relevant books in his local library. Today, as virtual learning is dissolving international boundaries, there is no need to access any physical library. There is a seamless flow of information on the internet. Another factor that works in favour of the students of virtual learning is the freedom to study what they want, irrespective of their age or previous qualifications. It makes the process of learning truly democratic. When we think of virtual learning, we are mostly thinking of the benefits it has for the learners. It is in fact, useful for teachers as well. It helps them in their own professional development. Not only does it save travel time and cost for the teachers, it is now making it possible for teachers to continue studying while teaching. They can access webinars, take part in discussions with like minded teachers and continue on their path of learning. This is very crucial for a teacher to keep growing and imparting quality education to her students. In order to benefit from virtual learning, it is important that a basic level of digital literacy is attained by an individual. Everyone who wants to study through virtual methods will need an email ID or a phone number. They should be comfortable with using a computer at least in the most basic and functional way. It requires minimal infrastructure as all you need is a computer and an internet connection that can run videos on your computer screen. Virtual learning opens up a whole new world where knowledge has no boundaries. With minimal costs, one can learn about their topic of choice, gain information and utilise it to enhance their career, earn better livelihood and improve their lifestyle. Internet and personal computers have revolutionised the world we live in, and virtual learning is just another beneficial aspect of it.  

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