What NOT To Do As A Leader?

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” John C. Maxwell Leadership is not a position in any company; it is a process or action of motivating, inspiring, and leading people towards achieving organisational goals. Leaders make meticulous decisions regarding strategies, resources, and the efficiency of employees. Leadership courses in India can help you develop these skills and become a successful leader. You may have heard a lot about what qualities a leader has and how to become a successful leader. However, one equally important thing a person should know is what not to do after becoming a leader. Let’s understand some of the common mistakes a leader makes and how to avoid them.   Related : Top Management Courses in India  

What Mistakes To Avoid In Leadership?

  A successful leader is not just a person who gets the work done. He/ She should manage people, keep their interests in mind, and motivate them to perform better. Here are some mistakes that you should steer clear of after becoming a leader.  
  • Failing to Define Goals Properly

  When you do not provide clear goals to your team, they become confused about performing tasks. As a result, they are unable to prioritise their workload, which leads to a delay in the achievement of organisational goals. For your employees to work efficiently, you should clearly communicate the goals to them. Defining the plans at the beginning of any project helps the employees stay focused and not deviate from their roles and responsibilities.  
  • Not Delegating Tasks

  Many leaders shy away from delegating work and responsibility as they feel that no one other than them can complete the duties effectively. This can lead to overburdening, and you may not be able to focus on more important decisions of the organisation. You should learn to delegate tasks by knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your team members. If unable to do so, you will end up pushing the deliverables and be under stress ALL THE TIME. Moreover, you will fail to develop skills and creativity in the employees, holding them back from taking the initiative.   Related : Evolution Of Leadership Styles  
  • Discouraging Difference in Opinions

  “The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.” Kenneth H. Blanchard Instead of influencing their team to take the initiative and be creative, some leaders are unwilling to accept opposing views. They believe that their decisions are always right and there is no scope of error. Excessive self-confidence can often lead to conclusions that do not prove to be beneficial for the company. Good leaders are not afraid of disagreements. So, be one, you should encourage your team to openly share their ideas and opinions, assisting you to come up with an effective plan. Being open-minded and accepting failure are also the traits of an exceptional leader. To acquire these key skills, you can enrol in the XLRI transformational leadership program.  
  • Criticising the Predecessors

  One of the essential qualities of an excellent leader is taking responsibility. However, instead of taking responsibility, some leaders blame their predecessors for their mistakes. Criticising others may take the blame off you. However, it establishes a habit of passing the blame from one person to another in the organisation. To motivate your employees for taking responsibility for their actions, you should choose to lead by example. As John Wooden rightly says, “The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal experience.”   Related : What is the Role of an HR Recruiter?  
  • Not Providing Feedback Regularly

  Good feedback is pivotal for improvement. Leaders often miss out on the significance of providing performance feedback to their team members. Providing regular feedback is vital to the growth of the employees as it helps them understand the areas of their shortcomings. Moreover, feedback motivates people to perform better. Negative feedback can be hard to handle for most employees. Therefore, you need to convey the feedback in such a way that they feel encouraged to live up to the company’s expectations. The XLRI transformational leadership program can help you acquire these skills of handling people and situations.  
  • Misunderstanding Factors of Motivation

  Different people have different factors of motivation. Leaders usually mistake everyone’s guiding element to be money and promotions. Such leaders cannot tap the best potential of their employees as they fail to provide appropriate motivators. Apart from monetary benefits, there are some other motivators as well. For instance, many people get motivated by intrinsic factors such as opportunities for initiative, responsibility, and growth. It will be your responsibility, as a leader, to inspire people by providing them with what boosts their motivation.  
  • Unable to Manage Conflicts Effectively

  Conflicts are prevalent in almost all organisations. It may arise due to reasons like lack of communication, unrealistic expectations, differences in values, and changes in the organisational structure. Some level of conflict is good for an organisation. However, you should ensure that it does not obstruct the accomplishment of goals. If not handled properly, disagreements can lead to performance degradation and low employee retention.  Leadership courses in India are a good way for acquiring skills related to managing conflicts.  
  • Hiring Wrong People

  As you transition into the role of a leader, you’ll have a ton of responsibilities. So it becomes vital to hire more people. However, hurrying the process of recruitment to fill the vacant position can be a severe mistake leading to reduced motivation and productivity. Recruiting in a hurry can lead to appointing people who are uncooperative or ineffective as they may not possess the required skills for the position and slow down the rest of the team. This is why, learning how to recruit effectively is essential. It helps you choose the right people, people who can add value to your organisation.   Related :  Decision making in Human Resource Management  

Are You Ready to Lead by Example?

  Being a leader is no cakewalk. However, you can become a successful leader if you know what to do and what not to do in particular situations. There are many leadership courses in India that can help you understand the do’s and don’ts in leadership. Some of these best courses are XLRI project management certificate program and IIM advanced program in leadership. So now that you know some practices which are not suitable for a leader, enrol today for leadership courses in India and give your career the kickstart it needs.     More Information : Advanced Program In Leadership In The Digital Era from IIM LUCKNOW Leadership And Management In New Age Business from WHARTON/UPGRAD Executive Development Program In Transformational Leadership from XLRI JAMSHEDPUR Global Professional Certificate In Effective Leadership & Management from MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/UPGRAD

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