Why is it important to have good leadership skills?

When we enter the workforce, one of our biggest goals is to reach leadership positions. The next goal then is to acquire leadership skills that make us suitable for the role. And just as we start achieving that, the emphasis shifts to having good leadership skills, with good being the important element. A great executive leadership program will cover what leadership skills are needed in the current business environment. But how to focus on becoming good at them lies in your hands. Let us see why this is so important.
  1. Impacts the work environment – When you have great leadership skills, you are able to create a positive influence in the whole organization, not just your immediate team. Good leadership skills actually have the potential to significantly impact the culture. That is why making sure that you are good at these skills is critical because of its span of impact.
  2. It makes you take initiative – When you possess good leadership skills, you do not hesitate to take charge or become proactive. As a good leader, one does not spend their entire time only in strategic thinking or planning. They are very good at implementation too. That is actually what organizations value, since effective execution of plans is a much-needed but less-available skill.
  3. You become better at decision-making: A good leader is one who is not indecisive. He or she is able to take time, assess facts, weigh the merit and demerits of different decisions and come to the right one. They are able to choose which path to take and also validate their position. That is also because they demonstrate great problem solving and critical thinking skills.
  4. You get better at managing time – As a leader your role is complex and your time is precious. You constantly juggle between different priorities and try to balance things in the best possible way. When you are good at this skill, it translates into you being able to transform your own productivity and performance. Time management done well means the days at work are better organized, there is a healthy work-life balance and the leader is able to assess his or her priorities in the right manner. This is what leads to better growth.
  5. Your communication skills become better – When you are a good leader, you tend to focus on active listening. You try and learn from every conversation that you have. You hear and analyze what the other person is sharing with you. This is what makes the big difference. Effective listening is the trait of a good leader. When you listen well, you hear everything that is key to the conversation and you are aware of even underlying messages. That in turn helps you to communicate better because you are confident of your understanding. You are able to articulate your concerns better. You are also able to demonstrate your reasoning abilities better. This is why it is important to be good at this leadership attribute.
  6. You take the leap – When you are a leader who possesses a great sense of onus and self-motivation, you do not hesitate to take the leap. You are ready to get into the fray and make sure that you explore it. Risk taking might not be a natural part of your overall personality but you lose your hesitation or aversion to risk. You are open to new solutions and innovative ways of working. These are the implications of having good skills as a leader.
  7. It adds to organization’s success – Good leaders have a direct impact on the organization’s performance. They are able to work on the best ways to use their skills to create business results and achieve the performance goals. Apart from the direct contribution, indirectly too by way of motivating their teams and others around them, they lead to the success of the organization. You ensure that the clients and the vendors are engaged and committed to your company. You do not focus only inwards, but also externally and that is what defines good skills. Your view of the business landscape is wider, and also one that does understands inter-dependencies.
  8. You create strong teams and leadership pipelines – When you are a good leader or have good leadership skills, you put the growth and wellbeing of your team as your top priority. Your focus is to ensure that a strong team is created and sustained. You also work actively towards creating leadership pipelines that can start right from the entry level roles till the top. Your active role in making these pipelines work is what sets you apart. You know the importance of not working in silos.
These are the reasons for the need to have good leadership skills. They are not only beneficial for your organization but also for you as an individual. They result in organizational success, but they also turn you into a valuable and critical resource for your company.

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