By Rajendra Digari

Types of Managers and Their Roles

Managers lay out the blueprints for planning, organizing, budgeting, and execution of activities within the existing framework

  • Sep 04, 2023
By Rajendra Digari

Impact of Financial Risks

Introduction to Financial Risks

Risk is inherent to any business enterprise, government, even individuals

  • Sep 04, 2023
By Rajendra Digari

Role of Analytics in Business Management

In today’s age of data overload, organisations are struggling to maintain, store, and analyse the vast amount of data available

  • Sep 04, 2023
By Rajendra Digari

Technology and Leadership Always Go Hand in Hand

Technology has a Powerful Impact

The 21st century has brought about immense technological change

  • Sep 04, 2023
By Rajendra Digari

What Encompasses Business Management in 2022?

There are many ways to manage the business, though you need a very organized approach to it

  • Sep 04, 2023

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